Tuesday, March 24, 2020

How to Tap into Your Creativity Whenever You Need it - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Tap into Your Creativity Whenever You Need it - Introvert Whisperer How to Tap into Your Creativity Whenever You Need it Just think about it â€" we need creativity to address just about every challenge that comes our way. From overcoming a housing dilemma to building a successful career, you will have to think outside the box in order to be content with the outcome. One big hurdle that we face as humans is that creativity seems to go out the window right when we need it. Stressful situations often lead to mental blocks and even conscious efforts aren’t going to lead to a resolution. The good news is that just like many other skills, creativity can be strengthened. Here are a few approaches and techniques you can practice for the purpose of accessing the best solution whenever you’re in need of some inspiration. Always Plan Ahead   Chances are that unpredictable situations stress you out. In order to counter this effect, you should attempt to plan ahead as much as possible. Planning ahead is one of the best ways to minimize stress and as already mentioned â€" stress can kill all of your creativity. In addition, dealing with organizational tasks and knowing you’re not going to have to focus your mental powers on those will make it much easier to dedicate all resources to creativity when the time is right. A creative process can also be highly structured and organized if you train your mind this way. Accept the fact that you have a lot of creative potentials but don’t stop there. Work on creative ideas even at times when such isn’t needed. When all of the preliminary work is done and you have a “shortcut” in your mind, you will find it much easier to respond adequately when the time is right. Don’t Stress about it Let’s say you have a highly creative job like essay writing, for example. If this is the case, you know that coming up with a truly original idea during an assignment can be a mission impossible. You will probably feel that your idea isn’t good enough, original or innovative enough. Many people suffer from self-doubt, especially at a time when they’re asked to step outside the box and contribute with something brand new. If you’re such a person, you may find out that you’re truly afraid of sharing the idea with the rest of the world because it could get judged or it could be considered not original enough. Don’t stress about it! Remember that you probably are your harshest critic. Once you overcome the idea and share with the rest of the world, chances are that you’ll get a much more positive reception than what you anticipated. If you are striving to get that brilliant idea every single time, chances are that you’ll never get anything done. Instead, accept what you’ve managed to come up with. Chances are that it will need some tweaking in the future but this is something you can do without causing yourself unnecessary stress right from the start. Enjoy Alone Time Renewing your creative voice is often about spending some quality time on your own and being active when it comes to listening to that inner voice and developing your ideas. Solitude silences all of the clutter that you otherwise have in your life. The opinions of others, TV, internet and communication channels all keep you busy and incapable of focusing on what matters the most. Getting rid of those every now and then will feel truly refreshing. There is sufficient evidence that solitude helps for creative work. If you’re an introvert, you already enjoy spending time on your own. Instead of feeling troubled by this aspect of your character, however, you should learn to embrace it. Challenging yourself to go out there more is admirable but don’t push yourself too hard. Doing a bit of research will show you that some of the world’s most creative minds have always been introverts. Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Mark Zuckerberg, JK Rowling, Michael Jordan, Meryl Streep and many other talented individuals are all self-professed introverts. Instead of fighting against this characteristic, you should learn how to make the most of it. Switch it Up Focusing at one and the same thing incessantly will drain your creative juices. Chances are that you’ve faced such situations at work and in your personal life. To train your creativity, you should simply get in the habit of switching things up. It’s always a good idea to opt for something new whenever you feel that you’re at a standstill and you’re not being productive. A side project will take your mind off that block and allow you to take a break. You’ve probably noticed that some of your most creative ideas have come to the surface at a time when you weren’t consciously engaged in the process. They could have occurred under the shower, before you go to sleep or while you’re handling a mundane task. This is precisely the sub-conscious mechanism that you’ll be trying to tap into by switching things up. The same rule applies to your routine. Are you used to doing one and the same thing every single day? Going to work following the same route? Exercising at the same gym two times per week? It’s time to change things. Anything that is out of the ordinary will stimulate your brain, even if the change pertains solely to a simple change of breakfast. Do Something Artistic You don’t need to be the world’s greatest painter in order to give drawing a try. Who knows, you may discover a passion that you have never been aware of. Doing something artistic isn’t about excelling at it. The activity focuses much more on finding a new outlet for your creative potential. Art brings an array of mental health benefits to the table. It’s a wonderful anti-stress tool. In addition, artistic processes are great for getting those creative juices flowing, they increase self-esteem and can even be used in the fight against anxiety and depression. You can choose among a wide range of options â€" drawing, improv theater, pottery, jewelry making, photography, sculpting â€" you name it, there’s probably a course for it. Alternatively, you will have to get some supplies and experiment with those at home. The purpose of art isn’t to establish a direct connection with the creative problem you’re trying to solve. Rather, it trains your imagination and gives your mind a break. Both of these can be particularly beneficial in the long run. Bonus Tip: Start a Journal Just like art, starting a journal is a lovely exercise that will be beneficial for your mental health. Allowing your thoughts to flow freely will enlighten you about things you’re troubled by, things you think about, your creative potential, hopes, and desires. Don’t edit yourself when attempting to journal. There aren’t correct or wrong methods to do it. Just get a notebook and a pen and allow your mind to wonder. Journaling may feel a bit uncomfortable at first because it will bring many emotions to the surface. Once you get used to it, however, you’ll find out that it build a better connection with your inner self and makes it easier to verbalize your ideas. Needless to say, you don’t need to master all of these approaches in order to make your creativity flow. Try the ones that appeal to you, modify them and focus your efforts on self-awareness. While one strategy delivers amazing results for some people, others will be in need of a completely different approach in order to get the desired results. There’s no universal approach and that’s the beauty of it. Bio Author: Amelia White is a passionate writer. She likes writing about creativity and productivity. In spare time, Amelia travels around the world. Befriend her on  Facebook Go to top Personal Branding starts with how well you speak about YOU.  I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook â€" The Definitive Guide to Creating and Using an Elevator Speech.  In this guide, I give you simple to follow instructions for creating a “wardrobe” of ways to talk about you â€" to leave a lasting impression. Get your copy now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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